-walk and a driver ran a red light. There's no liability dispute. I got a fracture at C2 (neck) but, wasn't paralyzed & was taken by amb to the hosp for 3 days and have been conservatively treating. I have surgery sched in Jan. to repair a disk herniation where the break occurred. I've had back surgery before and know it is hell to go through, but was all healed up prior to this. I'mgoing broke from not working and haven't hired an attorney because I thought ins. co. would be fair. My medical bills are 25K and the surgery will run another 65K. My lost earning are 50K so far, but will go on another 3 mos after surgery. I have my own bus. & do physical work, & haven't worked since the acc because my dr said that with the fract its too dangerous. Policy limits are 250K. They offered me 45K b4 they knew about surg & cost. Also they sent my lost earnings to CPA to verify cuz I'm self employed. Now I've sent that in and am wondering to to expect & accept? Serious answers only please.